Lecție 1, Subiect 1
În desfășurare

Ce să faci după o întâlnire cu un investitor

După prima ta întâlnire cu investitorii… începe treaba 🙂 E foarte important ca în momentul în care ai început o rundă de finanțare și au loc întalnirile, să faci tot posibilul încât să păstrezi momentuum-ul, să menții sus interesul investitorilor și să duci lucrurile spre finalizare, adica să obții un commitment.

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Exemplu newsletter

Startup De Succes Q4 Update

January 4th, 2021

Hello friends and supporters, 
Happy New Year! I hope you had great Holidays and that everyone is healthy. Wishing everyone the best for 2021! 
At Startup De Succes we've been pretty busuy and some awesome things are happening. Wanted to keep you in the loop with our progress since we last connected. Feel free to reply or give me a call if you have any questions.

What's Awesome

  • In this past year, in just 6 months, we have managed to launch the product, acquired our first important customers and reached 1000 course participangs, which is a huge achievement;
  • We are preparing to launch Product X in Public Beta in February. We are putting the finishing touches the next 2 weeks and launching for the public;
  • We exceeded our XYZ goal, with X% above what we projected
  • Preparing the first test campaign to acquire customers from paid channels;
  • We are joining an Accelerator Program which is starting next Monday, on January 11th. It will give us a great opportunity to pitch at Demo Day at the end of February and raise a significant round of financing. 


  1. Anyone has experience with interviewing a CTO for a new position? We have a lot of tech experience but would appreciate someone more senior helping out
  2. We are looking for a platform for handling all our customer relationship. Does anyone have experience with such a platform and could give us some tips? 


  • Investor One, Investor Two, Friend Three for the intros to the investors and your support since our last update! Much appreciated!
Best regards,