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BONUS 2: Cum să gestionezi relația cu investitorii după finalizarea investiției

Odată ce ridici o rundă de investiție, dintr-o dată vei trece la un alt nivel cu startup-ul tau, iar responsabilitățile tale și problemele se vor schimba. Am vrut să discutăm în această lecție bonus despre cum să gestionezi relația și comunicarea cu investitorii odată ce ai finalizat runda.

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Exemplu Investor Update

Startup De Succes Investor Update

January 4th, 2021

Hello Startup De Succes Investors, 
Happy New Year! I hope you had great Holidays and that everyone is healthy. Wishing everyone the best for 2021! 
Wanted to keep you in the loop with our progress since we last chatted. Feel free to reply or give me a call if you have any questions.
IMPORTANT: there are a few documents that require your signature until Friday, 8th of January, attached to this e-mail. Please sign them and send me a scanned copy. Thank you!

Cash Balance

  • 122.938 Euros (end of December 2020)



Overlay Bar Graphs - MATLAB & Simulink


  • In this past year, in just 6 months, we have managed to launch the product, acquired our first important customers and reached 1000 course participangs, which is a huge achievement;
  • We are preparing to launch Product X in Public Beta in February. We are putting the finishing touches the next 2 weeks and launching for the public;
  • We exceeded our XYZ goal, with X% above what we projected
  • Preparing the first test campaign to acquire customers from paid channels;
  • We received $100,000 grant in form of Credits from Google, which we can use on Google Cloud. This is good news, as we won’t have costs with some of the infrastructure for a while (streaming not included);
  • We are joining an Accelerator Program which is starting next Monday, on January 11th. It will give us a great opportunity to pitch at Demo Day at the end of February and raise a significant round of financing. Many VCs and Angels will be participating.


  • Slow progress with hiring the required team due to the Holidays. We received nly 2 CVs for the CTO position so far. I have 5 ongoing discussions that are in the “Maybe” zone. Pushing to close. More discussions upcoming.


  • I need your signature on the attached documents:
  1. acknowledgment and approval of the conditions for joining the Accelerator Program, until Friday, January 8th. Please send me a signed scanned copy as early as possible. Thank you!;
  2. approval of the CTO salary;
  • I would like to invite you to a Zoom call on Thursday at 19:00 EEST to answer any questions you may have regarding the attached documents and/or the progress of the business. 


  • Investor One for making intros to CTO candidates!
  • Investor Two, Friend Three for the intros to the investors! Much appreciated!
Best regards,